Our Privacy Policy outlines that we gather information on our websites and, if applicable, mobile apps. This information is then shared with third parties, including advertising partners, to display targeted ads on other websites that align with your interests. These ads may promote our products, services, and those of other Shopify merchants. This sharing of personal information occurs through the use of cookies and similar technologies during your website and mobile app visits.

Under specific U.S. state privacy laws, these actions could be classified as a "sale" or "sharing" of your personal information. Depending on your location, you may have the option to opt out of these activities. To exercise this right, please refer to the instructions provided below.

If you prefer not to have your personal information, collected through cookies and other device-based identifiers as explained earlier, sold or shared, kindly email your opt-out request to service@pomuyoo.co.uk. Please remember to renew this choice if you clear your browser cookies or switch to a different browser or device.

If you have the Global Privacy Control opt-out preference signal enabled while visiting our website, we will consider it as a request to opt out of the "sale" or "sharing" of information for the specific device and browser you used during your visit, based on your location.